teaching philosophy

As an educator, my philosophy is to ensure that my students are emotionally and mentally prepared to the highest degree to become self-sustainable and successful musicians to the extent that they wish. My ultimate goal for my students is to guide them to be the best versions of themselves to be able to care for themselves, others, and to leave an impact on the community around them. If an individual inspires another to make a change then that next individual can inspire others, creating a chain reaction of change. As both a performer and mechanically inclined musician, I teach my students to have the practical skills of basic clarinet maintenance as it is my strong belief that all clarinetists should possess the ability to asses, diagnose, and (in cases where it is possible for the student) repair their instrument. I guide my students to the solutions they seek not by presenting them with the answer or many variants of this answer, but I provide feedback that helps them to discover these solutions by themselves. I guide them every step of the way without their realization so that they build a strong sense of positive and realistic confidence.